Argonotes Action Photos
Thanks to some of the camera and scanner-happy members of the band, we're
pleased to present you with this selection of photos of Argonotes In Action
starting with the 1995 and through to last season.
Still too young to join but he's ready to play. |
One of our drummers mugs for the camera at the Hamilton/Toronto Labour Day Classic. See more pictures from our Hamilton road trip
here and
here. Photo by Tuck and Jeff |
This cheerleader is a real dog, really! No animals were harmed in the production of this photo, embarassed maybe but not harmed. Photo by Nancy |
Our Dictator (sorry I meant director) in one of his better moments. See more pictures from our inaugural game of the season
here. Photo by Ian Tate |
One of our trumpet players pretends to be a conductor on July 9th. Photo by Nathan Couckuyt |
Our conductor pretends to be a bass drummer at Argos Fan Day. More fan day pictures can be found
here and
here |
Debating which of the marvy Steelback
beer brands we should sample next. |
Another team successfully vanquished time to relax and unwind at Badali's. |
Ready to go but we seem to have misplaced our Conductor, have you seen him? |
Getting ready to play at Argonotes Central |
A slice of Argo's history,the precursor to the current Argonotes circa
mid 1960's. Not strictly a 2004 picture, but it was unearthed this year.Photo
provided byMishi, her Dad is kneeling in the front row |
Argonotes are everywhere, and in Afghanistan no one complains about his
playing. |
The band from a whole new perspective, the top of the CN Tower. Photo
byMattias. |
Our Dictator models our new jerseys. |
A picture of the massed bands of the CFL Eastern conference taken on our
triumphal Labour Day road trip to Hamilton where we bested the Hamilton Ticats
band in a free for all conducted after the game.
More Hamilton Road Trip Images |
The Argonotes go to sea with the Cheerleaders.
More Boat Cruise PicturesPhotos by Luana Martins,
Heather Keith, Steve Hayman. |
An Ottawa fan shows our drummer how it's done.
More Ottawa road trip images |
The Argonotes on the big screen during the Argos-Saskatchewan game in August.
Photo by Heather Keith |
Warming up at our staging area outside Joe Badali's on Front Street. |
Sign that has been seen popping up all along the route to Skydome from our
staging area outside Joe Badali's |
Posing with the star of the show, at the World Beer Games 2002.
More World Beer Games Pictures |
The band hanging out at the Grey Cup Village in Montreal.
Additonal snaps from the Grey Cup Trip |
An impromptu concert for our friends at the
Steam Whistle Brewery. Photo by Heather Keith. |
It's a good thing we have Heartbreak Hotel and Hound Dog in the
book; you never know who's going to drop by.Photo by Heather Keith. |
Somebody in the band sees the camera! Somebody else in the band is eating a
pretzel! Photo by Heather Keith. |
Playing outside Gate 2 before the big game against Hamilton on July 28, 2000.
(Yes, we need to get a few more Argonotes shirts.) Photo by Darryl
McGleish. |
Steve spots his Aunt Lenore and Uncle Donald in the crowd. Photo by
Darryl McGleish. |
It was hot that day. No, really, it was hot. And humid. (And that's Aunt Lenore
hiding in the front row of the band, wearing the Ticat hat.) Photo
by Darryl McGleish. |
Sarah, Sidney and Tamsen Hutchison enjoy the band's pregame show with their
mother Jennifer (the Ticat-in-the-Hat), while their Uncle John plays french
horn with the band. Photo by Uncle Darryl McGleish. Or possibly Aunt
Carol. |
Special greetings to the band from our Patron Saint, Mr. Tony Orlando. |
Musical dictator Steve Hayman prepares to give the usual small, subtle cue to
the trombone section at bar 32 of Mony Mony.
Photo by Janette Pluister.
Just before our big appearance on the CBC 6:00 News Weather Report - which host
Bill Lawrence conveniently does from outside the CBC building, conveniently on
our pre-game route to the Skydome. |
One big honkin' band, stretching as far as the eye can see., performing the sax
feature Heartbreak Hotel outside the dome before the game. |
Everybody wave! A big turnout for the Toronto/Hamilton game on June 25 1999.
Guest conductor Steve David, founder of the Uxbridge S.S. Tiger Tunes, brought
his band to join us and we even let him stand at the front. |
Below are some shots from our first ever
overnight trip, November 7-8 1998 to the Argos/Alouettes playoff game in
Montreal. 31 of us made the trek down on the train. Alas, the glorious Argos
fell to the Alouettes, but we had a terrific time at the game, fuelled mostly
by the additive-laced Molson Stadium coffee.
This is, without a doubt, definitely the nicest laminated game-day pass we have
ever received for a playoff game in Montreal. |
In the South Endzone Stands at Molson Stadium |
Our pre and post-game shows at the corner of University and des Pins.
Other Photos from the 1998 Season
Group photo by Chris Jacob, taken before the 42-6 victory over Hamilton at
Skydome on August 20, 1998. If you have bandwidth to burn, you can also look at
the uncropped high-resolution original image
(almost a megabyte though.)

Steve doesn't want to work, he just wants to bang on the drum all McHappy Day
at the Eaton Centre in May 1998 under the strict supervision of Gillian Meecham
(flute) and Adam Parker (alto.) Elvis Stojko walked right past the band shortly
after this photo was taken by Heather Keith.
1997 and 1996
1996 and 1997 - The Grey Cup Years

Marching - and we use that term very loosely - up Bay Street in the 1997 Argos
Victory Parade. Photo by Ron "Argonut" Philipp. You can see more Victory Parade
photos on Argonut's
Fan Page.
Celebrating the Grey Cup 1997 Victory at Joe Badali's Restaurant. |

Bud Tangeny (Snare), John Empey (Clarinet), Gord Payne (Trumpet), James Brown
(Trumpet), Trevor Mangion (Trumpet) and Julie Clubb (Flute), all very hard at
work cheering on the Argos in Grey Cup 1997. |

On board the Good Ship Argonaut (with the Argo cheerleaders) during the 1996
Grey Cup Parade in Hamilton, as seen live by millions on CBC.

An overhead shot during the Grey Cup Parade. Note the throngs of booing
spectators that welcomed us warmly for the entire three miles of the parade.

Gord Payne - arm barely visible at left, but trust us, it's Gord - directs the
band in the stands during the October 5 1996 defeat of Winnipeg.

Gillian Meecham (flute), Bud Tangeny (snare), Janette Pluister (flute) and
Caroline Boone (clarinet) at our pre-game gig outside Gate 5, October 5, 1996.
Our Inaugural Season - 1995

Here we are in our official 1995 team photo on October 27 at the end of our
inaugural season, having just cheered Toronto on to a defeat of Calgary on
Canadian Unity Day at the Skydome. This photo turned out great. Ever since
then, we haven't been able to snag a decent group photo of the band for some
reason. |

This shot was taken after our first game ever, Toronto vs Saskatchewan on June
24, 1995. For the first few games of that season, we'd gather on this Argonaut
Ship - technically a trireme (thanks Doug) that had been erected at one
end of the field - prompting calls of A Band On Ship! whenever it was
time to play a tune. This ship gave us a great view of the field but it was too
good to last, and partway through the season it became the Q107 Party Vessel,
on which contest winners (alas, not including the band) were served food and
drinks during the game.

We do a pregame concert outside Skydome an hour before each game. This gives
the trombones a chance to strut their stuff! (Left to Right: Richard Collyer,
Dave Climenhage, Brian Boyes. Rear: Doug Shanks on the Euphonium. Doug passed
away in 1997 and is very much missed by us all.)
"UW grads Gord Payne, BES '89, Steve Morris, BMath '93, Andrew Darbyshire, BES
'88 and David Keith, BMath '90, serenade Argonauts fans outside Skydome, while
Angela Chambers, BMath '91, wields the cymbals. "
From the article about the Band in the UW
Alumni Review. |
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